Adam and Danielle’s Children’s Center

Celebrating 40 Years of Caring for School‑aged Children

The health and safety of the children, their families, and our staff is our number one concern. When children are offered structure, they can thrive and enjoy the best summer ever. We focus on freedom through play, personal responsibility, caring interaction with movement, and values. Summer camp friends are forever friends.

Our adult staff are trained so that they may offer the best experience for your child at our program. We are state licensed and follow all guidelines set forth by the State of NJ. We cater to working families.

Our camp this year will be built on the same foundations as we’ve always had as a traditional youth camp. We offer mature, well trained, long-tenured staff. They each contribute/plan/execute endless safe and fun activities for your child while focusing on self-esteem, confidence, and social-skills.

Now more than ever, we know how important it is for children to get outdoors. To run and jump and splash, to watch and wonder and be excited about our natural world. All while improving their development process.


See all of our locations.

Summer Camp

Here's the news for our Summer Camp programs for new and returning campers.